Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
05609MONT BGS Postal Customers at Zip 05609
05620MONT BGS Postal Customers at Zip 05620
05633MONT BGS Postal Customers at Zip 05633
05671WTBRY BGS Postal Customers at Zip 05671
ACCD.CLG Vermont Certified Local Government
Adjusters Workers' Compensation Adjusters Announcements
ADS-ServiceDesk Announcements and discussion for DII Telecommunications and customer contacts
ADS.DPSMediaContacts [no description available]
ADS.VCJCMediaContacts VCJC Media Contacts
AGO.campaign-finance-litigation-defense Campaign Finance Litigation Defense Archives.
AGO.ConsumerConnections [no description available]
AGO.ConsumerNews Vermont Attorney General Consumer Information
Ago.databreachguidance Data Breach Guidance
AGO.DVFatalityReviewCommission AGO.DVFatalityReviewCommission
AGO.TobaccoDirNote Tobacco Directory Notification
AGO.VolkswagenEmissions Volkswagen Emissions Notification
AGO.VT-Prescribed-Products-Law Announcements Re. Attorney General's Vermont Prescribed Products Webpage
AGOPress AGO Press
AGR.BeneficialSubstances Plant Amendment, Soil Amendment and Plant Biostimulant Registrants
AGR.CheeseCouncil Vermont Cheese Council Membership List
AGR.FertilizerRegistrants Fertilizer Registrants
AGR.HerbGrowers AGR Herb Growers Mailing List
AGR.LimeRegistrants Lime Registrants
AGR.PestNews AGR - Pest News
AGR.SeedDistributors Seed Distributors
AHS.DO.Middlebury AHS.DO.Middlebury
AHS.EmergencyPreparedness AHS Vermont Emergency Medical Services
AHS.GlobalCommitmentRegister Global Commitment Register
AHS.HealthCareCoalition [no description available]
AHS.TownHealthOficers [no description available]
AHS.VDHHOCSituationReport [no description available]
ANR.EABInfestedAreaMap VT EAB Update
ANR.FireWeather The ANR Fire Weather list
ANR.ForestEconomyAdvisoryPanel [no description available]
ANR.FPR-Forest-Economy VT Forest Economy Resource Listserv
ANR.FPRCovid-19Resources FPR COVID-19 Resource Listserv
ANR.FPRFormerEmployees FPR Retirees and Former Employees
ANR.FPRRecreationGrants [no description available]
ANR.FWBoard Fish and Wildlife Board
ANR.GreenInfractureVT Green Infrastructure Practices and Activities in VT.
ANR.RoadmapImplementationCommittee [no description available]
ANR.Statecrd Biosolids Coordinators ListServ
ANR.STPP [no description available]
Anr.test [no description available]
ANR.UCF Urban & Community Forestry Advisory Group
ANR.VAST-LEPatrol [no description available]
ANR.VOREC Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative
ANR.VTWMPublicNotice VT Wastewater Section Public Notices; announcements only
ANR.WetlandRealtor [no description available]
Aoe.artseducation Vermont AOE Arts Education List server
Aoe.busmgr [no description available]
Aoe.childcarecenters [no description available]
Aoe.childcount Vermont Agency of Education Child Count
Aoe.curriculum_coordinators Curriculum Coordinators
Aoe.didja_know Adult Basic Education
Aoe.dredteach [no description available]
Aoe.ecse [no description available]
Aoe.ed-fi_usersgroup [no description available]
Aoe.ed-fi_vendors [no description available]
Aoe.ela [no description available]
Aoe.everyone Everyone Agency of Education
Aoe.food_service_managers [no description available]
Aoe.homeless_liaisons [no description available]
AOE.Independent-Schools.Contacts [no description available]
Aoe.independent_schools [no description available]
Aoe.independent_schools_recognized [no description available]
Aoe.independentcensus.contacts [no description available]
Aoe.independentsped [no description available]
Aoe.mathematics [no description available]
Aoe.mtss [no description available]
Aoe.paraprofessionals [no description available]
Aoe.principals [no description available]
AOE.ReadVermont [no description available]
AOE.School-Counselors VT School Counselors
Aoe.scienceeducation [no description available]
Aoe.sfsp [no description available]
Aoe.steam Vermont Agency of Education STEAM list
Aoe.supt [no description available]
Aoe.suspedadmin Special Education Administrators
Aoe.tpe [no description available]
Aoe.upk [no description available]
Aoe.vt_gms_system_notices Announcements related to the VT AOE Grants Management System.
Aoe.wbl [no description available]
Aoe.wfm Weekly Field Memo
AOT.2019NETSCInviteList [no description available]
AOT.DMVEnforcement [no description available]
AOT.DMVEnforcement-Inspections [no description available]
AOT.GHSPContactList [no description available]
AOT.GHSPNewsletterList [no description available]
AOT.ICS-NECommand [no description available]
AOT.ICS-NWCommand [no description available]
AOT.ICS-SECommand Dummerston
AOT.ICS-SWCommand Mendon
AOT.ICS-TICC [no description available]
AOT.RoadConditions [no description available]
BGS.FederalSurplusProperty BGS Federal Surplus Property List
BGS.FleetServicesNews BGS Fleet Services News
BGS.PCard-Administrators Purchasing Card Administrators
BGS.PostalPrint BGS Print and Postal Customers
BGS.PurchasingNews BGS Purchasing News
BGS.SurplusAirportSharps Surplus list of collected sharp items
BGS.SurplusAuctions On-line auctions from BGS
BGS.SurplusFFLDealers [no description available]
BGS.SurplusProperty BGS Surplus Property
BGS.WelcomeCenterBrochureDistributionRenewal BGS Welcome Center - brochure distribution renewal
Comp60-l Tax Dept Com60-L List
DAIL.VTTownsAdministration [no description available]
DBVI.Discussion Blind and Visually Impaired Discussion Group
DHR.CommissionersOffice Open Enrollment
DLC.AgentEmails Vermont Department of Liquor Control email list for Agents.
DMH.Opportunities DMH Opportunities and Updates
DMH.VT-DBT Vermont DBT electronic consultation team
DMV.VTDealers [no description available]
DOC.VANSRegistrants Survey to VANS registrants
DPS.SchoolSafety School Safety
Dps.usarall DPS USAR All
DPS.VEMDailyReport For Watch Officers to communicate status
DPS.VEMFunding Funding opportunities from VEM
DPS.VEMNewsletter VEM's monthly newsletter
DPS.VEMTraining Notice of training opportunities
DPS.WXAlerts Weather Alerts
Eldernet [no description available]
EXE.Legislature [no description available]
FIN.Vantage [no description available]
HRC.Newsletter Human Rights Commission List Serve
Infotech Information Technology
Jk.test [no description available]
Joekezartest [no description available]
JUD.AttyLicenseActiveMembers [no description available]
JUD.AttyLicenseCurrentMembers AT-All Members
JUD.AttyLicensing Memo To The Bar
JUD.CourtSecurity [no description available]
JUD.CyberSecurityLegislation Discussion of Cyber Security Legislation
JUD.LawOfficeStudyProgram Law Office Study Program Discussion Forum
Lab.MedicalProviders Medical Providers
Lab.TramWay Passenger Tramway Program
Lab.Vosha Vermont Occupational Health & Safety Administration Email Announcements
Lab.WComp Workers' Compensation Announcements
Lab.WorkSafe Project Worksafe Announcements
Lib.CapitalGrants LibCapitalGrants
Lib.Courier LibCourier
Lib.SmallRural LibSmallRural
Lib.Staff LibStaff
Lib.TrustFriend LibTRUSTFRIEND
Lib.Verso LibVerso
Lib.YouthServices YouthServices
NE-DBICMedia AGR Northeast Dairy Business Innovation Center
ORE.GeneralOutreach ORE General Outreach
POI Period of Ineligibility Mailing List
PSD.REPrograms PSD - REPrograms
PSD.VTCleanEnergyDevelopmentFund Vermont Clean Energy Development Fund
Sec.testlist [no description available]
Seniors NAAG CP Working Group on Seniors
Snappytest [no description available]
Test [no description available]
Tim [no description available]
Timtest [no description available]
TRE.RetirementListServ Vermont Retirement Division
VDH.GroundRounds Grand Rounds Monthly Public Health Presentation
VDH.PIO-Government [no description available]
VDH.PIO-HealthCare [no description available]
VDH.VermontCollegesADAP Vermont Colleges Division of Substance Use Programs (DSU) list
VDH.VermontPrevention Vermont Prevention Division of Substance Use Programs (DSU) Listserv
VT-EGC VT Enterprise GIS Consortium Listserv
VTDEC.VermontGreetersProgram Vermont Greeters Program
VWDB Partners of Vermont Workforce Development Board
vwdb.networkmap.inds Individual Partners of Vermont Workforce Development Board
vwdb.networkmap.orgs Organizational Partners of Vermont Workforce Development Board
WCAttorneys L & I Workers' Compensation Attorneys

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