[VDH.VermontPrevention] Department of Health - Director of Trauma Prevention and Resilience Development Position Posted

Zoller, Jennifer Jennifer.Zoller at vermont.gov
Thu Aug 23 15:49:51 EDT 2018

The Agency of Human Services is currently seeking a candidate with expertise in evidence-based practices for trauma-informed care to serve as our new Director of Trauma Prevention & Resilience Development.

Click HERE<https://vthr.erp.state.vt.us/psp/VTHR/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRAM.HRS_CE.GBL?Page=HRS_CE_JOB_DTL&Action=A&JobOpeningId=623826&SiteId=1&PostingSeq=1> for information and to apply to the position: job opening 623826 with a deadline of 9/12/18.

This position will coordinate with partners inside and outside of state government to develop a trauma informed system of care, working with the Child and Family Trauma work group, that specifically addresses the integration of evidence-informed and family-focused prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery services for individuals affected by childhood adversity. This work includes evaluation, in collaboration with DCF and providers addressing childhood adversity prevention and resilience building services, of strategies for linking pediatric primary care with the parent-child center network and other social services and evaluation of the statewide system, including the work of AHS and their grantees and community contractors, that addresses resilience and trauma prevention. This position will work with the AHS Director of Health Care Reform to integrate this work with public health policy and health care reform initiatives. The position is based out of our Waterbury, Vermont office with some travel required. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Director of Health Care Reform.

Example of work include:

  *   Develops key partnerships and fosters collaboration to further engage community providers in the systematic prevention of trauma
  *   Ensures the Agency's policies related to children and families develop a consistent family support system by enhancing opportunities to build resilience among families throughout the state that are experiencing the causes or symptoms of childhood adversity through:
     *   Better coordination to reduce gaps in services
     *   Strengthening existing programs
     *   Establishing new programs that build resilience among individuals who have experienced childhood trauma and toxic stress
  *   Train all Agency employees on childhood trauma, toxic stress, resilience building and the AHS trauma Informed System of care policy
  *   Provide opportunities for training of child care providers, afterschool program providers, educators and health care providers
  *   Written reports to the legislature and regular updates of progress

To view the full job specifications for this position, please visit the DHR Job Specifications <http://humanresources.vermont.gov/staffing/classification/job-specifications?code=070150> page.
If you would like more information about this position, please contact jaime.fisher at vermont.gov<mailto:jaime.fisher at vermont.gov>

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